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Aquis 干发帽/干发巾 最大的特点是超细纤维耐用、吸水、舒适


  • Lisse Luxe 比较适用于细软发质或者烫发后的头发
  • Waffle Luxe 更适合比较厚重的发质。
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Source: https://www.aquis.com

Views: 1811

Ideas: aquis, 干发帽, 干发巾

Product ID: 130145

GuideID: 5722

Brand: Aquis

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How you dry your hair changes everything. AQUIS Rapid Dry Waffle Hair Turban is proven to cut drying time by 50% thanks to a proprietary wicking fabric called Aquitex. In doing so, the turban prevents Hygral Fatigue—the stretching and swelling of wet hair that makes it vulnerable to frizz, split-ends and damage. The hair you’re left with is stronger and smoother before you even begin to style. AQUIS Rapid Dry Waffle Hair Towels and Turbans easily secure around your head, allowing for faster, hands-free drying while you get ready for the day.
HairCare Professional Product Guide
How you dry your hair changes everything.

AQUIS Rapid Dry Waffle Hair Turban is proven to cut drying time by 50% thanks to a proprietary wicking fabric called Aquitex. In doing so, the turban prevents Hygral Fatigue—the stretching and swelling of wet hair that makes it vulnerable to frizz, split-ends and damage. The hair you’re left with is stronger and smoother before you even begin to style. AQUIS Rapid Dry Waffle Hair Towels and Turbans easily secure around your head, allowing for faster, hands-free drying while you get ready for the day.
HairCare Professional Product Guide
How you dry your hair changes everything. AQUIS Rapid Dry Waffle Hair Turban is proven to cut drying time by 50% thanks to a proprietary wicking fabric called Aquitex. In doing so, the turban prevents Hygral Fatigue—the stretching and swelling of wet hair that makes it vulnerable to frizz, split-ends and damage. The hair you’re left with is stronger and smoother before you even begin to style. AQUIS Rapid Dry Waffle Hair Towels and Turbans easily secure around your head, allowing for faster, hands-free drying while you get ready for the day.
HairCare Professional Product Guide
How you dry your hair changes everything. AQUIS Rapid Dry Waffle Hair Turban is proven to cut drying time by 50% thanks to a proprietary wicking fabric called Aquitex. In doing so, the turban prevents Hygral Fatigue—the stretching and swelling of wet hair that makes it vulnerable to frizz, split-ends and damage. The hair you’re left with is stronger and smoother before you even begin to style. AQUIS Rapid Dry Waffle Hair Towels and Turbans easily secure around your head, allowing for faster, hands-free drying while you get ready for the day.
HairCare Professional Product Guide
How you dry your hair changes everything. AQUIS Rapid Dry Waffle Hair Turban is proven to cut drying time by 50% thanks to a proprietary wicking fabric called Aquitex. In doing so, the turban prevents Hygral Fatigue—the stretching and swelling of wet hair that makes it vulnerable to frizz, split-ends and damage. The hair you’re left with is stronger and smoother before you even begin to style. AQUIS Rapid Dry Waffle Hair Towels and Turbans easily secure around your head, allowing for faster, hands-free drying while you get ready for the day.
HairCare Professional Product Guide
How you dry your hair changes everything. AQUIS Rapid Dry Waffle Hair Turban is proven to cut drying time by 50% thanks to a proprietary wicking fabric called Aquitex. In doing so, the turban prevents Hygral Fatigue—the stretching and swelling of wet hair that makes it vulnerable to frizz, split-ends and damage. The hair you’re left with is stronger and smoother before you even begin to style. AQUIS Rapid Dry Waffle Hair Towels and Turbans easily secure around your head, allowing for faster, hands-free drying while you get ready for the day.
HairCare Professional Product Guide
How you dry your hair changes everything.

AQUIS Rapid Dry Waffle Hair Turban is proven to cut drying time by 50% thanks to a proprietary wicking fabric called Aquitex. In doing so, the turban prevents Hygral Fatigue—the stretching and swelling of wet hair that makes it vulnerable to frizz, split-ends and damage. The hair you’re left with is stronger and smoother before you even begin to style. AQUIS Rapid Dry Waffle Hair Towels and Turbans easily secure around your head, allowing for faster, hands-free drying while you get ready for the day.
HairCare Professional Product Guide
How you dry your hair changes everything. AQUIS Rapid Dry Waffle Hair Turban is proven to cut drying time by 50% thanks to a proprietary wicking fabric called Aquitex. In doing so, the turban prevents Hygral Fatigue—the stretching and swelling of wet hair that makes it vulnerable to frizz, split-ends and damage. The hair you’re left with is stronger and smoother before you even begin to style. AQUIS Rapid Dry Waffle Hair Towels and Turbans easily secure around your head, allowing for faster, hands-free drying while you get ready for the day.
HairCare Professional Product Guide
How you dry your hair changes everything. AQUIS Rapid Dry Waffle Hair Turban is proven to cut drying time by 50% thanks to a proprietary wicking fabric called Aquitex. In doing so, the turban prevents Hygral Fatigue—the stretching and swelling of wet hair that makes it vulnerable to frizz, split-ends and damage. The hair you’re left with is stronger and smoother before you even begin to style. AQUIS Rapid Dry Waffle Hair Towels and Turbans easily secure around your head, allowing for faster, hands-free drying while you get ready for the day.
HairCare Professional Product Guide
How you dry your hair changes everything. AQUIS Rapid Dry Waffle Hair Turban is proven to cut drying time by 50% thanks to a proprietary wicking fabric called Aquitex. In doing so, the turban prevents Hygral Fatigue—the stretching and swelling of wet hair that makes it vulnerable to frizz, split-ends and damage. The hair you’re left with is stronger and smoother before you even begin to style. AQUIS Rapid Dry Waffle Hair Towels and Turbans easily secure around your head, allowing for faster, hands-free drying while you get ready for the day.
HairCare Professional Product Guide
How you dry your hair changes everything. AQUIS Rapid Dry Waffle Hair Turban is proven to cut drying time by 50% thanks to a proprietary wicking fabric called Aquitex. In doing so, the turban prevents Hygral Fatigue—the stretching and swelling of wet hair that makes it vulnerable to frizz, split-ends and damage. The hair you’re left with is stronger and smoother before you even begin to style. AQUIS Rapid Dry Waffle Hair Towels and Turbans easily secure around your head, allowing for faster, hands-free drying while you get ready for the day.
HairCare Professional Product Guide
How you dry your hair changes everything.

AQUIS Rapid Dry Waffle Hair Turban is proven to cut drying time by 50% thanks to a proprietary wicking fabric called Aquitex. In doing so, the turban prevents Hygral Fatigue—the stretching and swelling of wet hair that makes it vulnerable to frizz, split-ends and damage. The hair you’re left with is stronger and smoother before you even begin to style. AQUIS Rapid Dry Waffle Hair Towels and Turbans easily secure around your head, allowing for faster, hands-free drying while you get ready for the day.
HairCare Professional Product Guide
How you dry your hair changes everything. AQUIS Rapid Dry Waffle Hair Turban is proven to cut drying time by 50% thanks to a proprietary wicking fabric called Aquitex. In doing so, the turban prevents Hygral Fatigue—the stretching and swelling of wet hair that makes it vulnerable to frizz, split-ends and damage. The hair you’re left with is stronger and smoother before you even begin to style. AQUIS Rapid Dry Waffle Hair Towels and Turbans easily secure around your head, allowing for faster, hands-free drying while you get ready for the day.
HairCare Professional Product Guide
How you dry your hair changes everything.

AQUIS Rapid Dry Waffle Hair Turban is proven to cut drying time by 50% thanks to a proprietary wicking fabric called Aquitex. In doing so, the turban prevents Hygral Fatigue—the stretching and swelling of wet hair that makes it vulnerable to frizz, split-ends and damage. The hair you’re left with is stronger and smoother before you even begin to style. AQUIS Rapid Dry Waffle Hair Towels and Turbans easily secure around your head, allowing for faster, hands-free drying while you get ready for the day.
HairCare Professional Product Guide
How you dry your hair changes everything. AQUIS Rapid Dry Waffle Hair Turban is proven to cut drying time by 50% thanks to a proprietary wicking fabric called Aquitex. In doing so, the turban prevents Hygral Fatigue—the stretching and swelling of wet hair that makes it vulnerable to frizz, split-ends and damage. The hair you’re left with is stronger and smoother before you even begin to style. AQUIS Rapid Dry Waffle Hair Towels and Turbans easily secure around your head, allowing for faster, hands-free drying while you get ready for the day.
HairCare Professional Product Guide
How you dry your hair changes everything. AQUIS Rapid Dry Waffle Hair Turban is proven to cut drying time by 50% thanks to a proprietary wicking fabric called Aquitex. In doing so, the turban prevents Hygral Fatigue—the stretching and swelling of wet hair that makes it vulnerable to frizz, split-ends and damage. The hair you’re left with is stronger and smoother before you even begin to style. AQUIS Rapid Dry Waffle Hair Towels and Turbans easily secure around your head, allowing for faster, hands-free drying while you get ready for the day.
HairCare Professional Product Guide
How you dry your hair changes everything.

AQUIS Rapid Dry Waffle Hair Turban is proven to cut drying time by 50% thanks to a proprietary wicking fabric called Aquitex. In doing so, the turban prevents Hygral Fatigue—the stretching and swelling of wet hair that makes it vulnerable to frizz, split-ends and damage. The hair you’re left with is stronger and smoother before you even begin to style. AQUIS Rapid Dry Waffle Hair Towels and Turbans easily secure around your head, allowing for faster, hands-free drying while you get ready for the day.
HairCare Professional Product Guide